Get your light bulbs at a click of a button with Lampwise Ltd

Now more than ever before we want to get as much of our shopping online as possible. Avoiding busy shops and keeping ourselves free from infection is an absolute must, but that doesn’t mean you should have to miss out on buying the essentials such as light bulbs.

With our collection of light bulbs, you’re certain to find the perfect one for you

Whether you’re looking for a new light bulb for a special lamp, need an energy efficient light bulb or dimmer lights, we are the people to shop with.

Our online shop has everything you need in relation to lighting, and we’re not just limited to light bulbs. We provide plenty of online shopping opportunities in which you can find products such as garden lighting, indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, table lamps, feature lights and much more.

We also provide a repair service if you’re looking to restore a beloved lamp or light fixture that you don’t want to part with.

If you’d like to find out more about us, or the brands we stock, make sure to take a look around our website today. You can also reach out to us via our contact form with any questions you may have.